Fairy Unchained: the unstoppable invasion from Outer World
Once Abdul and Dread have opened the dark portal, the Chtulhu have invaded the world with the firm intention of destroying the human race. After having met their ruler, the Faceless God, the time has come to find out what other beings has carried with him from the flames of Outer World.
Shub-Niggurath is a goddess coming from the Myths of Cthulhu from author H. P. Lovecraft and makes her first appearance in the novel The Last Experiment (1927). Even if she is often referred to as “The Black Goat”, one of the most popular interpretations sustains that this goat is actually an entity apart from the goddess. This explains the reason of the two cards above. Let’s then leave aside the theory and analyze the first one.
The Goddess of Fertility is a resonator at cost 4 (2 Fire) featuring the new Incarnation mechanics.
Banishing a Fire resonator and an Darkness/Fire, we can play this card without paying the price. Faithful to his literary origins, Shub-Niggurath has an Entry skill that allows us to find a Black Goat in our deck and put it on the field. This allows us, substantially, to make up for the Incarnation cost, giving up two resonators to have another two on the field. Moreover, putting a Chtulhu on the field allows for the activation of his secondary skill: resting and banishing two other Chtulhu resonators of ours, we can put on the ground one non-magic Chtulhu present in our graveyard.
We have already seen that Chtulhu plays a lot with the graveyard and therefore will not be a major problem to be able to deploy cards such as Yog-Sothoth or Byakhee since the very first rounds.
For his part, Black Goat is perfect to carry out this kind of sacrifices, as his effect requires him to be at the graveyard. At cost 1 Fire Will we can remove him from the game to inflict 200 damages to a player or an opponent resonator. An attacker/blocker also useful in the graveyard, makes us presume that this card could be used also outside Chtulhu dynamics.
The Bloodhound of Tindalos is a resonator that becomes stronger according to the copies of himself present in our graveyard, earning +200/+200 each. This could seem tricky if on the chart wasn’t present the second Continuous ability: when Bloodhound ends up in the graveyard from field, we can pay 1 Fire will to look for another one in our deck and put it in play, rested.
Basically, every time he ends up at graveyard, he comes back even stronger. A card to keep an eye on, as it might hold a few surprises.
To end the display of resonators, we present you one of the newest cards with double attributes included in the expansion: Hastur, the Unspeakable.
Hastur costs 4 wills of which 1 Fire and 1 Darkness, but the cost is justified as it features good values of ATK and DEF. He too can be played through Incarnation, banishing 2 resonators of Fire and Darkness attributes at choice. We like a lot the Enter ability as it destroys a target resonator without any addition. A sort of Carmilla with limitation on Addition instead of Vampire.
Let’s check out now what does the attribute Fire offer to the Chtulhu deck. Let’s begin with an Addition: Field very interesting, not only from the theme deck point of view.
Akashic Records of Eternal Flame decreases by 2 wills the generic cost of the cards we play and that are already present in our graveyard. As we have recalled many times, this zone will be used a lot after the release of the new set, most of all Darkness and Fire. Being able to send cards to the graveyard, will be then even more decisive to exploit at best the effects cards such as this Relic, that will speed up a lot our games.
Let’s close this article with a card that, according to us, will be the heir of Thunder in terms of circulation and steady presence within the decks carrying Fire and Darkness as attribute.
Flame of the Outer World costs 1 Fire will and 1 Darkness and it is a Chant-Instant that inflicts 800 damage to a resonator or a J-Ruler. We could stop here to justify the above sentence. However, to strengthen our argument we emphasize also the second part of the effect: players cannot chase it. This means that once started, you can never stop it, ever. If we pay 1 Fire and 1 Darkness we are 100% safe to inflict 800 instant damages to a resonator or to a J-Ruler- We will hear often about it, we are quite sure about it.
And that’s all for this episode of Fairy Unchained. We hope to have stimulated your fantasy with these spoilers and give you appointment to the next article.