Nome: Longsword
Serie: Crimson Moon's Battleground
Tipo: Canto/Runa Razza/Sottotipo: Armamento
Attributo: Fuoco Rarità: SRR
J/resonators you control gain +200/0.
Upgrading (This card gains the following text until end of game if it was upgraded.)
J/resonators you control gain Swiftness.
Flavor Text:
"The end matters, not the means." ーExcerpt from Elektra's martial arts book "The Five Rings"
Name: Longsword
Edition: Crimson Moon's Battleground
Type: Chant/Rune Race/Subtype: Armament
Attribute: Fire Rarity: SRR
J/resonators you control gain +200/0.
Upgrading (This card gains the following text until end of game if it was upgraded.)
J/resonators you control gain Swiftness.
Flavor Text:
"The end matters, not the means." ーExcerpt from Elektra's martial arts book "The Five Rings"