The First Lie
Nome: The First Lie
Serie: Masterpiece: Pilgrim Memories
Tipo: Canto Razza/Sottotipo:
Attributo: Fuoco Rarità: N
Quickcast (You may play this card anytime you have priority.)
Each player chooses a number secretly, then those numbers are revealed. Each player with the highest number draws three cards and loses 100 life multiplied by the number they chose.
Flavor Text:
"It is an incredible story, isn't it?" —Fiend of Dark Pyre
Name: The First Lie
Edition: Masterpiece: Pilgrim Memories
Type: Chant Race/Subtype:
Attribute: Fire Rarity: N
Quickcast (You may play this card anytime you have priority.)
Each player chooses a number secretly, then those numbers are revealed. Each player with the highest number draws three cards and loses 100 life multiplied by the number they chose.
Flavor Text:
"It is an incredible story, isn't it?" —Fiend of Dark Pyre